Korean learner, English speaker

Non-judgmental zone.
Everyone's got weird tastes, no need to be ashamed them. :>

I'm well versed in a variety of different kinds of media, so my interests tend to shift a lot.
I like frogs and all things frogs.
I'll switch between English and Korean a lot, but I mostly talk in English.
You'll find me mostly in Eastern communities than Western.

I'm sort of a, "I draw whatever I want, whenever I want" type of guy. Don't follow my accounts for any specific fandoms, as I draw whatever fandom I'm interested in at any given time.

If you want to talk to me, or just want a new friend to make, my Twitter DM's are always open!

한국어 학습자, 영어 사용자

비판단 영역.
누구나 이상한 취향을 가지고 있으니 부끄러워할 필요는 없습니다. ^^)

저는 이 섹션을 작성해야 하는데... ;;^^)